One step taken by Australian Politicians towards Exiting The World Health Organisation.
We know who we will be voting for at the next election. All 1.7+ million of us.
“The following 3 page letter was sent to the Australian Prime Minister on the 14th. May, 2024. It was signed by 14 members of the Australian Parliament.
“The IHR Amendments and the WHO Pandemic Treaty will transform the WHO from an advisory organisation to a supranational health authority dictating how governments must respond to emergencies which the WHO itself declares.
For the reasons above, that outcome is well outside the jurisdictional competence of the WHO and the WHA, and in any event, is unacceptable to many Australians. We call on the Government to reject the IHR Amendments and the WHO Pandemic Treaty at WHA77.””
This above reporting comes from Ian Brighthope. I love his name. May we continue to get bright hope from him.
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CONsent to vote is the root cause of tyranny. “Everyone wants to change the world but nobody wants to change themselves.” Tolstoy
Too bad Canada’s senators and ministers are completely AWOL regarding this, only silence from Trudeau’s and all the other parties members. Says alot and not in a good way.