463 Church Burnings hidden in Canada since 2016
Aka since the Crime Minister was elected, and the WEF architecture planted this evil in our midst
Here is MP Jamil Jamani speaking when it was 100 churches and liberal ndp would not condemn it. Imagine.
To fail to condemn, is to align with the persecution of Christians. Know who aligns with that view are Luciferians, Satanists.
Pfft. Pick a side. Irrespective of your faith.
Christians are perceived as a strong defense against..
Occult visions of the future
Abuse of children
Depopulation measures
God fearing, is and always will be a source eternal to the God fearing. This they hate. “They” operate in darkness. Don't be afraid to shed light on their deeds. Evil requires the darkness, confusion, and obscurity to operate. That is why the Satanic circle is everywhere. It place everywhere ubiquitously. Spinning and spinning but never getting anywhere? Sowing confusion. It in the occult is the satanic circle of power. The cross is the symbol before Christ, of here and now. Piercing the veil.
Notice all of the occult in the logos.
They fear the sanctity of light. Bring it each time.
Courage from within is not dependent on the presence of any one leader. The ability to have a relationship with our maker and feel that love is an unbelievable strength, not mediated or diminished by our struggles. In fact we lean into God in our search for meaning and we find Him.
This is the last conspiracy theory in my view. That is the design of ridiculing Faith. Scratch that surface too. Go where it leads you. Only once ask the question with an open heart and see what beauty will come.
At least trust this, your beauty is that you are God made, God loved. Each.
Put Lion Heartedness in your heart this season.
For Christmas this year I wish you unbelievable absolute unfalterring courage to change our world for the better.
May every bite you take solidify your strength.
May every breath you take fill you with the sublime beauty it is to be alive. Even in difficulties.
Practice pushing their messaging down underfoot.
May you be granted HOPE to your dying breath.
May every word you utter bring others to to the truth of LOVE.
May your gaze singe those with evil intentions and bring them shame.
Maythe glint in your eyes make others curious from whence your core is strengthened.
May you be granted morsels of JOY daily and you taste and tongue their perfection.
Please take the time today to ask your mp, mpp, to denounce this massive hidden desecration and hate against Christians.
God bless all of you 🙏. Merry Christmas!!!!!! It's so great!!!!!
I am appalled by the egregious, horrendous, thoughtless actions that people commit against each other. It is likely that a stewing, deep seated hatred is brewed by deceitful governments who spew hate and division. This hatred is perpetuated to fulfill tyrannical agendas. The end result of what is to come, might be chaos that leads to an emergency mandate for surveillance.
Yes, for two thousand years most religions have brought order and peace to civilizations. Exactly the opposite of what the WEF and similar destructive forces seek. The Crime Minister is a tool of the WEF and doesn't have an original thought. I watched him in parliament and his constant deflecting of questions. I don't think he can think on his feet at all.
Merry Christmas to you and yours Lisa!